Industrial off Grid Tied Solar Solutions

Industrial off-grid tied solar solutions combine the best of both worlds – off-grid and grid-tied solar systems – to provide reliable energy to industrial facilities. These systems are ideal for industries located in areas with unreliable grid power or high energy costs. The solution involves integrating solar power with backup energy storage (batteries) and, optionally, the grid, allowing industries to operate efficiently without reliance on inconsistent power sources.

How Off-Grid Tied Solar Solutions Work

An off-grid tied solar system works by capturing solar energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels during the day. This energy is either used directly to power industrial equipment or stored in batteries for later use. In a hybrid configuration, the system can also draw power from the grid during peak energy demands or cloudy weather, ensuring a continuous supply of electricity.

Solar PV Panels: Capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity.

Inverter: Converts DC electricity into alternating current (AC) to power industrial machines.

Battery Storage: Stores excess energy for use during periods of low sunlight or high demand.

Grid Backup: The system can also pull from the grid during high-demand periods, ensuring operational continuity.

Advantages of Grid-Tied Residential Solar Power Systems

Key Features of Off-Grid Tied Solar Solutions

Independence from the Grid

Battery Backup

Hybrid Capabilities



 Benefits of Industrial Off-Grid Tied Solar Solutions

Energy Security

Cost Savings


Reduced Carbon Footprint

Minimal Maintenance

Applications of Off-Grid Tied Solar Solutions in Industries


Continuous energy supply is crucial in manufacturing plants, and off-grid solar systems ensure uninterrupted production.

Mining and Quarrying:

Remote mining operations often face power challenges, and solar systems provide a stable energy source in these locations


Off-grid solar systems can power irrigation pumps, refrigeration units, and other essential agricultural machinery.


Industrial warehouses benefit from solar energy for lighting, temperature control, and other operational needs.

extile Industry:

Solar systems provide energy to power machinery, air conditioning, and lighting in textile factories.

Challenges of Grid Tied Solar Systems for Industries

Grid Dependency

The system cannot operate independently without the grid.

Challenge: If the grid fails, the solar system also shuts down for safety reasons unless a hybrid or battery system is used.

Initial Investment

The upfront cost of installing solar panels and associated equipment can be high.

Challenge: Requires careful financial planning, though long-term savings typically justify the investment.

Space Requirements

Large solar arrays require significant rooftop or ground space.

Challenge: Not all industries have sufficient space for large-scale installations.

Financial Incentives and ROI

Industries investing in solar solutions often qualify for government incentives, tax rebates, and accelerated depreciation. Additionally, the return on investment (ROI) for off-grid tied solar systems is high, with payback periods as short as 4-6 years, depending on location, energy usage, and system size.


Solar Panels


Battery Bank

Mounting Structures

Energy Management System

Design and Installation

Energy Requirements Assessment

Site Survey

System Sizing

Maintenance Plan

Advantages of Grid-Tied Residential Solar Power Systems
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