How Commercial Solar Works

The Working Of Commercial Solar Is Rather Easy. Have A Look.

How Commerical Solar Works

The Functioning of Commercial Solar

A grid-connected solar power system operates for both commercial and residential sectors, with no notable distinction in usage. Energy is readily available during the day, with excess power returned to the local grid, yielding credits. Solar energy can power three-phase appliances via either three inverters, each connected to a phase, or a single three-phase inverter. Panels are typically installed on rooftops or ground-mounted structures.

Now, let’s examine the entire process of converting sunlight into clean electricity


Solar Panels

Solar panels consist of photovoltaic (PV) cells that have the capability to convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity during the daytime.


The inverter transforms the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity.

Electrical Panel

Subsequently, the alternating current (AC) electricity is directed to the electrical panel, where it powers all lights and appliances using solar energy.

Net Meter

This apparatus is employed for measuring energy consumption. It reverses direction when your system generates more power than needed, allowing surplus power to be utilized during the night.

Local Grid

In exchange for the surplus power you generate during the day, the local grid offers you credits. Your business remains connected to the grid throughout this process.

Monitoring System

We’ve implemented a quality monitoring system to track your power production and ensure the smooth operation of your system. Additionally, it alerts us to any potential repair issues that may arise.

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